Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Big changes for better teachers | Thoughts on Public Education

Big changes for better teachers | Thoughts on Public Education

Big changes for better teachers - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

A report commissioned by the United Way of Greater Los Angeles and civil rights groups is recommending sweeping changes in the way Los Angeles Unified recruits, hires, evaluates, and pays teachers, as well as substantial changes in state laws in areas such as tenure and seniority rights that obstruct teacher effectiveness. The report will prove [...]

In-state fees for the undocumented - by Kathryn Baron

When David and Carlos walk at UCLA’s graduation this Friday, they’ll be thanking their parents, their professors, and AB 540 – the 2001 law that lets some undocumented students pay in-state fees at California’s public colleges. On Monday, more than five years after the first lob in a legal challenge to the California law, the [...]

It’s time for lawmakers to call ‘Olly Olly Oxen Free’ and pass the budget - by Jo A.S. Loss

California’s Legislature is playing children’s games with unbelievably high stakes – the very future of our state. The players, adults who really should know better, have turned the budget process into a game of “Hot Potato,” tossing decisions back and forth, avoiding the tough choices that must be made. The apparent goal of the game is [...]