Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bay of Rage, Anti-cut 2 « occupy california

Bay of Rage, Anti-cut 2 « occupy california

Bay of Rage, Anti-cut 2

from BayofRage:

//Where: Starts at intersection of Broadway & Telegraph, Oakland//
//When: June 17, 3:00 pm//

This is the second in a series of counterausterity marches and events we have planned for the summer, in order to begin assembling an anticapitalist force capable of combating the current age of budget cuts and economic violence. This second event is a disruption—a mobile blockade—meant to interrupt, temporarily, the business as usual which economic crisis ever more desperately imposes as the public face of private wealth. For every library and school closure, ten ATMs spring up overnight, circulating ever more swiftly the wealth, looted via predatory lending and home foreclosures. This is not news. Just as globally the US seeks to prop up brutal plutocracies and autocrats in order to maintain its grip on oil reserves and military outposts in the face of pop