Sunday, June 5, 2011

Apologist Alter gets an earful. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Apologist Alter gets an earful. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Apologist Alter gets an earful.

Reformy apologist, Jonathan Alter.

If you read the scummy hack writing job Jonathan Alter tries to pass as journalism and you read it early, you may have missed the pleasure of the reading the comment section.

Alter’s piece is full of nasty, unsupported slanders of Diane Ravitch like, “While healthy skepticism is a virtue, Ravitch seems bent on extinguishing any hope that our teachers and schools can do better.”

Huh? If anyone gives hope to teachers that things can be better, it is Diane Ravitch.

But reading the comment section also gives hope. Taken together, the responses provide a scathing critique of the reformy nonsense of Alter, his patron Michael Bloomberg, Arne Duncan and the like.

H/T to my old friend from my grad student days, Celia Oyler, for sending me back to the comments.