Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We DO Make a Difference!(No Matter What You’ve Heard) « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

We DO Make a Difference!(No Matter What You’ve Heard) « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

We DO Make a Difference!(No Matter What You’ve Heard)

Just before Spring Break, I asked my 5th graders if any of them wanted to enter the contest, “Why My Teacher is Great!”. Only two students completed the letter. One was an Honor Roll student and the other was a girl I had trouble with from Day 1! I have to say, within the last two months, she has been a different child. I want to share her letter.

My teacher is great because she keeps us on track about getting into 6th grade. She never lets us say we can’t do it. She only tells us we can do it. Whenever we get mad, she always knows what to say. She is the best teacher in the whole wide world. She is great, whatever she does. When it comes to tests, she always makes us feel better about the test. She knows how to say no. She seldom yells at us students she always talks to us in a nice tone of voice. Whenever we need help, she will try not to give us the answer, but try to help us out with it. She always tells us, “I can’t help you, unless you help yourself.” And now we help ourselves, as well as she helps us. My teacher is the best of the best. She keeps us in order like four by four.

There are some rules as well. 1st rule is treat others the way you wanted to be treated. 2nd, be a leader not a follower. And 3rd,always use kind words. She also says, “Your actions, your responsibility.” And we always listen to those words.

She always knows what to say when we are having problems