Saturday, May 7, 2011

US government lies about bin Laden: can you handle the documented truth??? |

US government lies about bin Laden: can you handle the documented truth??? |

US government lies about bin Laden: can you handle the documented truth???

source: Carl Herman, As is true for you readers, I only have so much time to read, and less time to write, in my “hobby” for social justice. The following is a reprint of one of the sharpest minds I read, the author of Washington’s Blog. The article is stunningly brilliant; the author has my [...]

Staged death of bin Laden? War on Libya, US False Flags and Imperialism (Exclusive YWN Interview) Please listen to this show as we were joined by columnist, Stephen Lendman, who deconstructed the media and ongoing lies regarding the death date of bin Laden, the war on Libya, and the continuing false Flags. This is one of the most comprehensive interviews regarding this topics. He gave the analysis that the [...]