Friday, May 20, 2011

Unrealistic Education Reform Goals: A Business Perspective « InterACT

Unrealistic Education Reform Goals: A Business Perspective « InterACT

Unrealistic Education Reform Goals: A Business Perspective

wrong wayToday’s guest blog post comes from a new teacher and new member of the Accomplished California Teachers network. Dave Reid is about to complete the Stanford Teacher Education Program and become a high school math teacher. He already holds an MBA from Santa Clara University, and comes to teaching from a career in business and technology. This post is excerpted by permission from Reid’s own blog, and the rest of the post can be read by following the link below.

Education Policy – Ideals versus Goals

As with all too many well-intentioned, but misguided, efforts, Superintendent John Deasy of Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) conflates management science with philosophy. Hence, while his recently announced performance goals are laudable as ideals, something for which each district in America should strive, as goals,