Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thoughts and Pics of the San Diego Teachers’ Rally

Thoughts and Pics of the San Diego Teachers’ Rally

Thoughts and Pics of the San Diego Teachers’ Rally

Since Andy Cohen covered the meat and potatoes of the teachers' "State of Emergency" rally already, I wanted to share some other thoughts about the event and display a sampling of the numerous photos I took yesterday, Friday the 13th while at the Embarcadero in downtown San Diego.When I heard that the rally was going to be at the Embarcadero, I told Patty that parking would be horrendous downtown and next to impossible, so we agreed to take the trolley from Lemon Grove. She wrapped up our banner, we gathered our camera and notepad, and we hopped the 3:44 pm trolley (although by time it got to us, it was 3:50). After grabbing our seats, we looked around and saw several women wearing red T-shirts that spelled out "STOP" - Students and Teachers Our Priority. And during the ride downtown, we heard several guys who were standing up having quiet an intellectual conversation - even hearing the name "Chomsky" come bouncing out. Are these teachers? we wondered on their way to the rally.