Friday, May 27, 2011

This Week In Education: Five Best Blogs: Have New Orleans Schools Really Been Fixed?

This Week In Education: Five Best Blogs: Have New Orleans Schools Really Been Fixed?

Five Best Blogs: Have New Orleans Schools Really Been Fixed?

DysenterySchool Performance In New Orleans Matthew Yglesias: It’d be better to have NAEP data instead of state test stuff, and it’d be better to look at demographic sub-group... School Reform in New Orleans Kevin Drum: We'll need a considerably more detailed analysis before we can genuinely conclude that their educational reforms have really worked... Money and L.A. Unified LAT: Deasy says he will not "accommodate a funder" and that he'll set the agenda. But those lines can blur all too easily in a cash-strapped school system that must continually plead for money... Meet The Billionaires Who Are Trying To Privatize Our Schools And Kill Public Education Think