Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This Week In Education: AM News: Duncan Softens On Publishing Teacher Ratings

This Week In Education: AM News: Duncan Softens On Publishing Teacher Ratings

AM News: Duncan Softens On Publishing Teacher Ratings

image from webmedia.newseum.orgU.S. schools chief backs off on publication of teacher ratings California Watch: He now avoids saying whether he thinks teacher-effectiveness ratings should be published by media outlets... Announcement DelayedCNN: The schools initially were notified that the announcement would come Monday, but it has been delayed, leaving them on pins and needles a bit longer.... Chicago Fight Threatens Illinois Education Overhaul WSJ: [Proponents] said CTU officials went home early, while others stayed to hammer out the specific language of the bill after the final negotiations... L.A. Unified plans major staff shakeup at Huntington Park High LAT: Teachers judged ineffective and forced out of one school will be entitled under the union contract to fill positions at other turnaround schools... 'Last In, First Out' Among Teacher Layoff Policies Under Scrutiny PBS: In the last year, several states passed laws to get rid of last-in/first-out and other seniority provisions in teachers' contracts. Superintendent Adamowski is hoping Connecticut's legislature will follow suit... Education Programs Assail 'U.S. News' Survey NPR: Many education schools are opting out, saying they question the methodology. Pa. gov links teachers' unions to failing schoolsAP: Pennsylvania's public schools have focused too much on teacher contracts and not enough on curriculum, Gov. Tom Corbett said Monday...Feds: Illegal Students Entitled To K-12 Education AP: The letter comes amid reports that schools may be checking the immigration status of students trying to enroll... Police: Man set mom aflame, held teacher hostage AP: A Texas man set fire to his mother, then went to a nearby school and tried to sexually assault a teacher at knifepoint before the superintendent broke down the door to help free her, police and school officials said Monday... Bill to Allow Concealed Guns in Class Advances AP: Texas state senators have voted to allow concealed handgun license holders to carry their weapons into public college classrooms...