Thursday, May 26, 2011

That’s What I Am: Professional Wrestling, Bullying and Teachers « MomsRising Blog

That’s What I Am: Professional Wrestling, Bullying and Teachers « MomsRising Blog

That’s What I Am: Professional Wrestling, Bullying and Teachers

I hardly ever met any movie stars in my 6th grade at Orchard Elementary in West Valley City, Utah where I taught a generation of girls and boys. But I saw movie stars and TV stars, directors and script writers the other night at a function sponsored by the Creative Coalition, the National Education Association and professional wrestlers. Seriously.

And the topic was very serious. It would have to be to bring together such a diverse group. The topic: Keeping kids safe from bullies. As I was explaining the tremendous interest educators were getting on this issue, a fairly jaded friend of mine remarked that this was simply the “fashionable” cause of the moment.

She’s wrong. I know she’s wrong because I talked to the writer of a new film the NEA is helping to promote called, “That’s What I Am”.

I have never met a more sincere, concerned individual. He knows this film will be important to the children who see it. I talked to one of the young actors who plays a bullied teen.

He knows that his role is one that thousands of students will relate to. I talked with an executive from the WWE