Monday, May 23, 2011

"Teachers of the Year: APPR regulations poison 'spirit of collaboration'." May 23, 2011. NYSUT: A Union of Professionals.

"Teachers of the Year: APPR regulations poison 'spirit of collaboration'." May 23, 2011. NYSUT: A Union of Professionals.

Teachers of the Year: APPR regulations poison 'spirit of collaboration'

Dear Chancellor Tisch and Board of Regents,

It is with sadness, pain and frustration that we write this letter. We are deeply concerned about recent changes to the State Education Department's Annual Professional Performance Review system. These changes, while politically popular, will neither improve schools nor increase student learning; rather, they will cause tangible harm to students and teachers alike.

The changes to APPR will kill the spirit of collaboration that developed from NYSED and NYSUT working together. Evaluating teachers based on test scores is a huge paradigm shift. The fact that NYSUT was willing to work with NYSED to develop a fair evaluation process shows good will on the part of teachers across the state. To unilaterally change the terms of a jointly crafted law at the eleventh hour poisons the