Monday, May 30, 2011

Schools Matter: A T-Shirt for Arne Duncan

Schools Matter: A T-Shirt for Arne Duncan

A T-Shirt for Arne Duncan

A T-Shirt for Arne Duncan

Sent to the NY Daily News, May 30, 2011

The Daily News mentioned that school officials at the East New York Middle School are requiring children to wear a T-shirt saying "Not Yet" for children considered unprepared for regular classes ("Parents say administrators are siccing ACS on them to retaliate for complaints," May 30).

I would like to order a "Not Yet" T-shirt to be sent to Education Secretary Arne Duncan, whose total lack of real

Are Books Obsolete? An analysis of data from Titles in Print

Are Books Obsolete? An Analysis of Data from Titles Printed

Stephen Krashen

A common view is that books are obsolete, and for two reasons: People just aren't interested in reading these days, and for those who are, ebook readers, such as the Kindle, are taking over.

Not according to at least one indication. The number of new book titles printed each year continues to increase, and the increase over the last decade is dramatic. Bowker, an information service company, reported that 215,138 book titles were published in 2002. This increased to 302,410 in 2009, and the projected total (based on preliminary data) for 2010 was 316,480.

The increase in titles published holds even when we consider the increase in the population of the US. The population in 2002 was estimated to be about 288,600,000. In 2010 it was estimated to be about 318,750,00