Friday, May 27, 2011

Schools Matter: National Research Council Rebukes NCLB (Duncan-Gates-Broad) Policies Based on "Primitive Intuition"

Schools Matter: National Research Council Rebukes NCLB (Duncan-Gates-Broad) Policies Based on "Primitive Intuition"

National Research Council Rebukes NCLB (Duncan-Gates-Broad) Policies Based on "Primitive Intuition"

After ten years of test, punish, and push out policies and hundreds of billions of tax dollars spent for the benefit of the education industry and corporate foundations, American schools have been blown up and children are less educated than their counterparts in countries with sane education policies. Even as measured by their gains on American tests, comparisons show students' scores are just .08 of a standard deviation higher than they were 10 years ago. That amounts to moving from the 50th percentile to the 53rd percentile. Rod, Maggie, Arne, Bill, and Eli: heckuva job.

This last dose of reality therapy comes from another report issued by the National Research Council. Here is a good introduction from HuffPo, even though there is much more to say:

NEW YORK -- Education policies pushing more tests haven't necessarily led to more learning, according to a new National Research Council report.

"We went ahead, implementing this incredibly expensive and elaborate strategy for changing the