Thursday, May 26, 2011

Schools Matter: Betsy Devos in the Running for the Billionaire Boys' Club Most Corrupt Member

Schools Matter: Betsy Devos in the Running for the Billionaire Boys' Club Most Corrupt Member

Betsy Devos in the Running for the Billionaire Boys' Club Most Corrupt Member

When you're a billionaire woman in a billionaire man's world, the best way to get attention sometimes is to out-boy the boys. That's what Betsy Devos's of All Children Matter fame did a few years back when the astroturf group run by Amway's exploitation queen pumped tens, maybe hundreds, of millions of illegal dollars into the 2006 election pushing corporate education reform (vouchers and charters).

In fact, she was nailed by the Ohio Election Commission, which handed a $5.2 million fine to the sister of the dark Eric Prince of Blackwater fame (now building in the UAE mercenary armies for hire to the despots of the Middle East whenever the urge for democracy needs to be crushed).

Now Betsy has a new astroturf group called the American Federation of Children (get it?) that she uses to front the revival of school vouchers. With the containment vessel's lid blown off of political contributions by the Citizens United Decision and by the creation of Super Predators Pacs, Betsy is on a roll again, sending money