Thursday, May 26, 2011

School Tech Connect: You Must Do This Now

School Tech Connect: You Must Do This Now

You Must Do This Now

You have to call. Faxes are also good. Letters are also good. But you absolutely have to call.

Below is a clip from my own call to my state representative, whom I haven't met yet. During the call, I learned that she's opposed to the pension-killing bill that Mike Madigan and Tom Cross just pushed through the pension committee, even though nobody there seemed to fully understand how any of it would actually work for real people who exist on earth.

Anyway, here's the call. Their office is crazy with phone calls, so there was a lot of laughter. I sound like a hyena, but I don't care.

Pension call by tbfurman

You must make your call. You must insist on a call-back or a meeting. You can do this.

And seriously, this Biss fellow up in Evanston? He votes "present"? A profile in courage there. I'd rather see the seat go back to the Republicans. At least you know where they stand.

My money and my free time are now going into the Kelly Cassidy for President campaign.