Friday, May 27, 2011

School Tech Connect: The Trib Is So Gross...

School Tech Connect: The Trib Is So Gross...

The Trib Is So Gross...

I see the Trib has attempted to crucify Poe, May, and Biss, in the dishonest way that is the hallmark of theTrib's editorial page. You know you're doing something right when you get scolded in the Trib, so I congratulate these three for standing up against something that is wrong.

Poor Biss-- he learned a tough lesson with that "present" vote. He's got to figure out if he's fish or fowl, that guy. For the record, his questions were neither "blather-rich" nor "soliloquoy"-like in nature; it's just that theTrib people have trouble with anything remotely nuanced. But seriously-- Note to Biss: unless you are 100% tax-