Monday, May 16, 2011

School Tech Connect: Have You Called Yet?

School Tech Connect: Have You Called Yet?

Have You Called Yet?

Listen, Illinois peeps. They're going to eat your lunch down in Springfield. Lobbyists aren't going to stop them, the idle threat of withholding endorsements isn't going to stop them, and being mad isn't going to stop them. The only thing that's going to stop them is calling, showing up, protesting, and frankly, finding better Democratic candidates and perhaps union leaders with a little pep.

You've got to call now. It's easy--- nobody's going to interrogate you. Here's a recording of my call to my legislator. She's brand new, and I haven't met her. As you can hear, I have a hard time sounding angry on the phone, but I'm basically ready to blow a gasket with this new pension attack. It just seems that our Democratic friends will accept any Republican narrative as long as it's aimed against teachers.

The office aid had a difficult time with the phone--- that's why I'm laughing at the beginning. Frankly, I also couldn't remember the number of the bill but she knew what I was talking about.

Pension Call by tbfurman

Have you called yet? Great! Now, walk down the hallway and ask ten colleagues if they've called. Odds are, none of them have.