Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Queens Teacher: Education "Reformers" Plan

Queens Teacher: Education "Reformers" Plan

Education "Reformers" Plan

The education “reformers” are trying to dismantle the teaching profession as we know it:

The first item is eliminating as many teachers as possible with tenure. We wouldn't want anyone with a right to a hearing in case they are terminated.

They are trying to eliminate anyone over age 50. We can't have teachers making big salaries and might know more than their 27 year old boss.

They are making the job as miserable as possible so younger teachers don’t last long enough to collect higher salaries and pensions.

Next they will be getting rid of requirements for teacher certifications. Why would you need certification when they don't want teaching professionals in the first place?

They want teaching to not be a profession but a JOB and one that you do for a couple of years and then leave.