Wednesday, May 25, 2011

NCTQ Publishes ESEA Recommendations - Teacher Beat - Education Week

NCTQ Publishes ESEA Recommendations - Teacher Beat - Education Week

NCTQ Publishes ESEA Recommendations

The National Council on Teacher Quality, a Washington-based advocacy group famous for generating lots of controversial reports, has stepped into the fray again with a list of ESEA reauthorization proposals focused on the law's teacher-quality elements.

Before we dig into the recs, I should note that many Hill watchers don't put a lot of hope in getting a large-scale ESEA reauthorization bill done anytime soon. House Republican leaders, for instance, have indicated that they want to reserve teacher-quality discussions for this fall and work on smaller-scale bills in the meantime.

But that's not stopping NCTQ, whose recommendations are sure to produce some impassioned dialogue in the field. Among other things, it says the feds should:

• Require states to link teachers to students and to assessment results as a condition of receiving Title I funds.

• Transform the Title II State Teacher Quality grant into a competitive-grant program contingent on states' setting a definition of a "highly effective" teacher and evaluating all teachers each year, based partly on student