Friday, May 27, 2011

Modern School: PERB to UTLA: Shut Up and Take It Like a Teacher

Modern School: PERB to UTLA: Shut Up and Take It Like a Teacher

PERB to UTLA: Shut Up and Take It Like a Teacher

United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), filed a complaint with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) last week, seeking a court injunction against Los Angeles Unified (LAUSD), to block implementation of a teacher evaluation system based on student test scores and to prevent the conversion of two more LAUSD schools to charter schools. PERB has denied the union’s request without giving a reason why, according to the Los Angeles Times.

It is a contractual violation to unilaterally impose the new evaluation system on teachers, as teacher evaluation policies are supposed to be negotiated as part of the contract. LAUSD had planned to implement a voluntary pilot version of the program next year. Ostensibly, they may