Monday, May 2, 2011

Math and Solidarity « JD2718

Math and Solidarity « JD2718

Math and Solidarity

I wish I had a big splashy piece for May Day. But no. Not here, not this year. This is just a little something I’ve been wanting to point out for weeks: math teachers played a nice role in EduSolidarity Day.

March 22nd NYC teachers wore red in solidarity with teachers in other states (Wisconsin led the headlines). And Steve Lazar (blogs at Outside the Cave, which despite coming from the Western Reserve, has nothing to do withJacobs Field) thought: why not a blogger thing? a group answer to the question: Why do teachers like us support our unions?

So he gets me and Jose Vilson and Ken Bernstein (Teacher Ken) on board, and we launch, (facebook, too) and over a hundred bloggers write. Nice little splash. But math teachers? We were counted.

  1. First, Vilson does a clever lead in (union=unity, not a job, a career) to his real post, over at Huff. Jose