Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Judge to throw out Trigger petitions | Thoughts on Public Education

Judge to throw out Trigger petitions | Thoughts on Public Education

Judge to throw out Trigger petitions - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Parents at Compton Unified who filed the state’s first Parent Trigger petition will get the charter school they’ve demanded. It just won’t be at their school, McKinley Elementary, but in a church down the street instead. In a major setback to their cause, a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge tentatively ruled that he would throw [...]

The case for/against CALPADS - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

For all of the shortcomings in its implementation, the data system CALPADS has always had plenty of supporters. Gov. Jerry Brown is clearly not among them. He’s proposing to kill funding for it and CALTIDES, a related database yet to be built. I’ve asked five longtime backers to argue why both systems should be saved, [...]