Tuesday, May 10, 2011

John Nichols: Gov. Walker takes fight to privatize education to D.C. | Defend Wisconsin

John Nichols: Gov. Walker takes fight to privatize education to D.C. | Defend Wisconsin

John Nichols: Gov. Walker takes fight to privatize education to D.C.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker continues to court national support for an extreme agenda of attacking public employees and public services while diminishing local democracy and shifting public money to private political allies. Despite the fact that Walker’s moves have been widely condemned in his home state, the hyper-ambitious career politician has repeatedly suggested that he will not moderate his positions because he wants to shift the tenor of politics and policymaking far beyond Wisconsin.

Walker’s stance has earned him talk as a possible dark-horse contender for a chance at the 2012 Republican nod, and the governor has not discouraged it.

To that end, Walker was in Washington Monday night to deliver a keynote address at the