Friday, May 27, 2011

John H. Jackson: Protect the American Union by Supporting Public Schools

John H. Jackson: Protect the American Union by Supporting Public Schools

Protect the American Union by Supporting Public Schools

America's public schools are ground zero in the movement to reframe American politics and public policy from one of common opportunity to individual gains.

Policymaking used to embody the notion that the good of the people was the good of our Union. Today, policymakers seemingly subscribe to the notion that what is good for a few is good enough, even if at the cost of our Union.

It's time to call out these policies and the politicians who promote them for what they really are: modern anti-Unionists.

While arguing for programs and policies that weaken schools, rarely do they mention that most successful Americans of all races, ethnicities, religions and professions were and are products of our American public school system. This vast majority of citizens prove that when we invest in our public systems and employees, they work and produce high outcomes.

But each day seems to bring a new example of leaders undermining our