Sunday, May 29, 2011

Invitation to March on June 4th for our Kids, for Public Education and for MPS « Larry Miller's Blog

Invitation to March on June 4th for our Kids, for Public Education and for MPS « Larry Miller's Blog

Invitation to March on June 4th for our Kids, for Public Education and for MPS

Dear Friends:

On Saturday June 4th the MPS community and friends will be assembling at MacDowell Montessori (17th and Highland) at 11 AM for a march in defense of the civil rights of our children. The Grand Marshall of the march is Vel Phillips who will be accompanied by Peggy Rozga and other members of the historic NAACP Youth Commandos. We will then march across the 16th Street Bridge to Forrest Home Elementary (15th and Mitchell). At 1:15, in the Forrest Home playground, we will hold a rally for public education. The rally will end at 2:30.

We are inviting each MPS school to participate. This is an event that the district supports, although not an official sponsor. The sponsors are Voces de la Frontera, Micah, I Love My Public Schools, Council for Spanish Speaking and Milwaukee City Council PTA/PTSA’s Inc.

The theme of the march is to show some of the great things that are at stake of being lost with the proposed budget. Students, families and schools are saying “don’t take this away from us.” We are asking for school contingents to include drum lines, marching bands, sports teams, a walking art show and anything else that illustrates the holistic approach MPS takes to educating our children.

To download a PDF of the poster for the June 4th Civil Rights march for kids go to:

Poster marchmilwaukee June 4

To download a copy of the PTA leaflet go to:

PTA June 4

To download a copy of the PTA leaflet in Spanish go to:

PTA June 4 Spanish

Larry Miller MPS School Board Member