Thursday, May 26, 2011

Half-Baked Teaching Analogy « InterACT

Half-Baked Teaching Analogy « InterACT

Half-Baked Teaching Analogy

This blog has been following Education Nation quite closely, out of a great curiosity regarding this latest big-media venture into education coverage. We’ve run a few blog posts about the Teacher Town Hall meeting, and will soon run a guest blog post about a panel NBC called “Job One.”

Education Nation also has a couple of guest blog posts on its site, and the difference between the two posts offers clear evidence of why educators look askance at some outside “experts” – people whose expertise in policy, politics, business or statistics has been taken as expertise in students, teachers, and classrooms – however unwarranted that assumption may be.

I won’t spend too much time discussing what I consider the “good” post on teacher evaluation, authored by Linda