Sunday, May 8, 2011

Democurmudgeon: Counter intuitive Florida Republicans REDUCE employment insurance when jobless rate is 10.5 percent or higher. Penalty for losing jobs?

Democurmudgeon: Counter intuitive Florida Republicans REDUCE employment insurance when jobless rate is 10.5 percent or higher. Penalty for losing jobs?

Counter intuitive Florida Republicans REDUCE employment insurance when jobless rate is 10.5 percent or higher. Penalty for losing jobs?

If you lose your job you’re a drag on society. Lazy and shiftless. Just ask any conservative and they can point to at least one unemployed “friend” who boldly admits they don’t want to work, and love watching their plasma TV all day.

It appears Florida lawmakers have some unique friends, wouldn't you say? And I have wondered why so many Republicans politicians and voters, know so many lazy stereotypes to begin with, but I guess that’s another story for another day.
From their distorted, down the rabbit hole twist on solving the jobless problem, Florida lawmakers must think the following change