Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Damn Good Education Daily

Damn Good Education Daily
Damn Good Education Daily - ...who taught me by example to arrive early and stay late (Hint: That's what good teachers were doing long before TFA). Thank you Mr. Tolliver. ...who well past 60 could still jump desks and bust m...

Larryferlazzo - In The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein pushes the concept of how the public can be manipulated during times of catastrophe or perceived crisis. Lately, it has been argued that the "financial crisis" is...

DianeRavitch - The wave of teachers who are openly questioning the hypocrisy evident in Education Secretary Duncan’s letter this week keeps growing, enough to generate a story of its own. Several teachers and com...

TeacherSabrina - (Credit: CBS/AP) A new CBS News/New York Times poll shows President Obama's overall approval rating has jumped by an impressive 11 percentage points in the wake of the U.S. military mission which k...

mikeklonsky - Public Policy Polling for Daily Kos (4/28-5/1, registered voters, Feb. 2011 (PDF) in parens): Q: Do you think Barack Obama was born in the United States? Yes: 67 (55) No: 20 (27) Not sure: 13 (18)(...

studentactivism - About 56.5 million people watched Barack Obama's surprise TV appearance Sunday night announcing the killing of Osama bin Laden. It was the president's biggest TV audience since he was elected, acco...

EDUCATIONCEO - So that “I will not rejoice” quote that everyone reposted yesterday wasn’t from Martin Luther King, it turns out. Instead, it looks like it originated with a young woman in Pennsylvania who had no ...

studentactivism - Adapted from a comment I just left at Feministe. You probably can’t make yourself non-racist, but you can make yourself anti-racist. And in the end, being anti-racist is actually more important. No...

studentactivism - May 3, 2011 Quick Take Kim Barnouin What are you thankful for that your mom passed along to you? Independence. She has always been very independent and self-sufficient and instilled that upon me gr...

mariashriver - digg_url=""; Memorial to the Haymarket Martyrs (Image by Jeff Zoline)May 4, 1886 - A day after police killed four strikin...

ModSchool - Walter’s blog archive: Recently, my friend and colleague Alan November posted Creating a New Culture of Teaching and Learning on his blog. In this reflection piec...

walterASCD - Four McGill students, including the co-presidents of the university’s New Democratic Party Club, were elected to serve in Canada’s national parliament last night. The National Democratic Party, lon...

studentactivism - May. 3 2011 - 7:20 pm | 0 views | 0 recommendations | By E.D. KAIN Matt Yglesias writes: I was shocked to read this on the American Federation of Teachers’ official Twitter feed: If you can’t read,...

KenMLibby - It may be Teacher Appreciation Week, but if online comments and blog posts indicate anything, some public school teachers don't feel the love from their employer, the federal government.On Monday, ...

cajacobson - Dear Deborah,It is way past time to get mad. Each week, it is hard to know which of the latest outrages against American public education is the worst.Perhaps it was the agreement between the Gates...