Monday, May 16, 2011

Daily Kos: Krugman gets this right:

Daily Kos: Krugman gets this right:

Krugman gets this right:

According to Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, Mr. Obama has told Democrats not to draw any “line in the sand” in debt negotiations. Well, count me among those who find this strategy completely baffling. At some point — and sooner rather than later — the president has to draw a line. Otherwise, he might as well move out of the White House, and hand the keys over to the Tea Party.

That is the final paragraph of Krugman's NY Times op ed today, America Held Hostage.

Lest anyone doubt the accuracy of this statement, let me point you at the first paragraph of the same op ed:

Six months ago President Obama faced a hostage situation. Republicans threatened to block an extension of middle-class tax cuts unless Mr. Obama gave in and extended tax cuts for the rich too. And the president essentially folded, giving the G.O.P. everything it wanted.

It should not have happened 6 months ago. In fact, that issue should have been confronted well before the