Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cyber Charter Schools Receive Lion’s Share Of School Funds « City School Stories

Notes from the Field « City School Stories

Cyber Charter Schools Receive Lion’s Share Of School Funds

Submitted by Frank Murphy, May 19, 2011

In its 2009-2010 School Finance Revenue Report, the Pennsylvania Department of Education included 113 charter schools in its inventory of public revenue-supported institutions. The total amount of local, state, federal, and other funding received by these schools was listed at $835,424,755. This averages out to $7,304, 643 per charter school.

The charter school receiving the smallest share of revenue was Nitney Valley Charter School at $707,684. ThePennsylvania Cyber Charter School took in the largest portion of charter revenue at $95,331,379. The next three highest funded charter schools in the state are also cyber schools: Agora Charter School ($55,189,011),Commonwealth Connections Academy Charter School ($42,150,046) and Pennsylvania Virtual Charter School($39,170,182).

Statewide, these four cyber schools received a combined total of approximately 231 million dollars in 2009,