Sunday, May 8, 2011

California: State of Emergency… | Reflections on Teaching

California: State of Emergency… | Reflections on Teaching

California: State of Emergency…

SOEProfilePicStarting tomorrow, and all next week, I will be working with the California Teachers Association at the Capitol building in Sacramento bringing letting legislators know about the horrific cuts to education that an “all cuts” budget will bring, and asking them to pass, as a legislative majority, a budget that includes extending (not raising) certain taxes that are set to expire.

Each day I will be live blogging here. I will send out live video via UStream, and updates via Twitter and Facebook. You can follow the hashtag, #stateofemergecy for updates from others, and @CATeachersAssoc orCalifornia State of Emergency facebook page. There is a picbadge available for this campaign, so wear it with pride. You can help spread the word by re-tweeting, liking, and sharing my posts, and the posts of others.

If you or others you work with are into emailing or calling, NOW is the time to contact your legislator: CTA has a handy number to call, 888.268.4334, and you can use their Website to send a letter,

Do it for the children!