Wednesday, May 4, 2011

California Grad Students Sit Down for Union Democracy | Labor Notes

California Grad Students Sit Down for Union Democracy | Labor Notes

California Grad Students Sit Down for Union Democracy

When incumbent leaders of the graduate student union at the University of California stopped the vote count, fearing they'd lose, members of a reform caucus responded yesterday with sit-downs at union headquarters. Photo: Chris Schildt.

Update! This afternoon the UAW Local 2865 election committee agreed to resume the vote count on Thursday, with a neutral mediator in attendance and safeguards for a fair count. Members of the reform caucus say they will continue their sit-in through the count.

Afraid you might lose the vote? Stop the count and run. That’s what incumbent leaders did in United Auto Workers Local 2865, representing 12,000 graduate student workers at the University of California.

Members of the reform caucus Academic Workers for a Democratic Union (AWDU) are staging sit-downs at their union headquarters in Berkeley and Los Angeles, demanding that their union resume the vote count immediately.

A heated election, the first real contested one in the union’s 11-year history, pitted incumbent leaders, organized as United for Social and Economic Justice (USEJ) again