Sunday, May 29, 2011

Big Education Ape: 5-29-11 AM ‘A voice constantly out there speaking truth’ Edition

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

Published by Coopmike48 – 5 contributors today

Teach For America: From Service Group to Industry - This is a long form piece I wrote quite a while ago and have been unable to find a home for. So be forewarned: It's long. I also want to take a moment to commend the TFA corps members who have stay...



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coopmike48 Report: Over a third of students entering college need remedial help - Chicago Sun-Times - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 Remedial college classes: The basic facts - Chicago Sun-Times - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 On Assignment: Clayton Valley charter organizers dispute Mt. Diablo district's financials - - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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coopmike48 Read Co-ops: Building Community Daily ▸ today's top stories via @skagitcoop 1 minute ago · reply · retweet · favorite

EducationSee all

Chicago Shopping - A year ago, students at Marshall Metropolitan High School seemed oblivious to the class bell. They'd linger in the hallways, chat with friends, talk on cellphones. Then last summer the adults in th...


‘A voice constantly out there speaking truth’ - 2011 Dewey Award winner Linda Darling-Hammond Miller PhotographyLinda Darling-Hammond (center) receives the union’s prestigious John Dewey Award from UFT President Michael Mulgrew and Vice Presiden...


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Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky's blog - The Facebook pages of my older friends all had messages about Gil Scott-Heron this morning. He died Friday. He was my age. Youtube videos. Quotes from his lyrics. Memories. In the mid-70s, if you w...


Boca a boca, su mejor fuente de información - Publicado el 29 Mayo 2011Archivado en Josep | En la actualidad, hay literalmente millones de organizaciones y personas de negocios que están dispuestas a vender su producto o servicio a usted. Todo...


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Police Clash With Protesters in Barcelona - Video posted on YouTube by Jordi Salvia, a Catalan blogger, of police officers in Barcelona using force to clear protesters from a central square. Updated | 12:59 p.m. BARCELONA, Spain — After near...


NYC Educator: Spam-o-rific - Every few days I get spam comments. Often they're from some sort of essay-writing company that helps kids or college students cheat. I don't much care for companies like that, and if Disqus doesn't...


BusinessSee all

SB 512 - “This legislation seeks not only to increase the membership contribution one time, it seeks to put the membership contribution on an escalating scale that is recalculated every three years… It is i...


K-12 average is $10,499 per pupil — Joanne Jacobs - Public schools spent $10,499 per student in fiscal 2009, according to the Census Bureau. That was 2.3 percent more than the year before. New York was the top spender at $18,126 per pupil, followed...


TechnologySee all

Matemáticas @ TED | vivirlaeducacion - Publicado el 29 Mayo 2011Archivado en Josep | Soy un gran admirador de TED. Han publicado más de 900 conversaciones hasta la fecha, sin contar todas las conversaciones de TEDx y espero que te llegu...


¿Por qué microfinanciación ayuda a las personas - Publicado el 29 Mayo 2011Archivado en Josep | Cuando comencé a trabajar con el Club Asteria, aprendí que una cantidad significativa de la población de nuestra comunidad mundial vive en $1.00 por dí...


Tubería de su seguro es completo - Publicado el 28 Mayo 2011Archivado en Josep | Objetivo del Club Asteria es ayudar a nuestros miembros a encontrar el éxito financiero y aumentar sus ingresos mediante el uso de los recursos, servic...


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