Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Before Writing A Protest Poem [Peace to Gil] | The Jose Vilson

Before Writing A Protest Poem [Peace to Gil] | The Jose Vilson

Before Writing A Protest Poem [Peace to Gil]

Gil Scott-Heron

Beautiful Sunday. Driving with my family back to NYC after my brother graduated a couple of weeks back. Before I knew Gil was on his last legs.

[taps pencil on Moleskine repeatedly]

“What to write, what to write …”

[taps knee with pencil, taps front car seat with pencil, bites eraser, gets tired of tapping]

“Ahhh! What the hell!”

[scratches head]

“Monuments shake and graves roll …”

[nods to a beat in his head]

“OK, what next, Vilson?”

“I told them the title of the poem is called ‘This Is Not A Test.’ What does it mean to