Sunday, May 1, 2011

As Workers Celebrate May Day, Union Officials Attempt to Steal Internal Leadership Election « Occupy UCI!

As Workers Celebrate May Day, Union Officials Attempt to Steal Internal Leadership Election « Occupy UCI!

As Workers Celebrate May Day, Union Officials Attempt to Steal Internal Leadership Election

Grad Union Reformers Call on UAW 2865 to Count Every Vote in Union Leadership Election

The UAW 2865 internal union Elections Committee has been conducting a vote count since Friday, April 29th for a contentious election for the Local’s top elected leadership. As the count proceeded, it appeared possible that a slate of reformers, Academic Workers for a Democratic Union ( would win the election. Then, at 8 pm Saturday, April 30, the incumbent- controlled Election Committee abruptly decided to terminate the vote count, leaving 1500 ballots uncounted — nearly half the ballots cast.

In a blatant effort to hold on to the power and privileges of their high paying positions, paid union official Daraka Larimore-Hall and his incumbent slate have tried to spin this egregious violation of UAW election procedures. Many of the incumbent candidates are not graduate students, including three of the incumbent candidates for top