Saturday, May 7, 2011

Arne Duncan & The Real Fight for Social Justice - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher

Arne Duncan & The Real Fight for Social Justice - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher

Arne Duncan & The Real Fight for Social Justice

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Exactly, two years ago, I wrote a blog about my personal hope that Arne Duncan would follow through on the exciting ideas he was preaching: Education as the ticket out of poverty. Public schooling as the civil rights issue of our generation. Genuine social justice.

Duncan was preaching to the choir, on that occasion--the State Teachers of the Year gala celebration--and the choir was reveling in the sermon. But the homily has worn thin, and the congregation is seeing through the rhetorical flourishes to the truth: the pastor has no credibility, and his talking points are false. During this week's oratory, members of the congregation began calling out the minister on his hypocrisy. Including--amazingly--one of the current State Teachers of the Year.

If we're truly in this school reform movement to strengthen civil rights and social