Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Are Teach for America, Inc. and Bill Gates Dumbing Down Our Educational System? | Seattle Education

Are Teach for America, Inc. and Bill Gates Dumbing Down Our Educational System? | Seattle Education

Are Teach for America, Inc. and Bill Gates Dumbing Down Our Educational System?

Teach for America, Inc. was the brain child of Wendy Kopp while she was in graduate school at Princeton that has turned into a billion dollar business.

It started out innocently enough, or so it would seem, as an effort based on the Peace Corps model to provide schools with temporary teaching staff. Teach for America recruited graduates fresh out of college and with five weeks of training placed them in schools in small southern towns and rural areas for two year stints where teachers were hard to come by. Something was better than nothing as far as those school communities were concerned. Since then, because the labor is cheap, TFA became the darling of the charter school industry. No unions had to be involved and the recruits would gladly do what they needed to do to fulfill their two year stints and get their loans waived. Who wouldn’t? It was perfect for the charter schools because these schools are