Thursday, April 7, 2011

Will Michigan Teachers Walk? | Labor Notes

Will Michigan Teachers Walk? | Labor Notes

Will Michigan Teachers Walk?

Howard Ryan
| April 7, 2011
Michigan teachers are voting whether to authorize bold actions to challenge the king-like powers of the state's "emergency financial managers." Public sector strikes are illegal in Michigan, although some teachers (like these Detroiters) have mounted successful strikes. Photo: Jim West.

Faced with a Republican onslaught whose impact could be deeper than that seen in Wisconsin and Ohio, the Michigan Education Association is taking a membership vote to authorize job actions.

The day after busing a 100-member delegation to join the Madison protests in mid-March, MEA President Iris Salters asked her union’s 110 local presidents to conduct the votes among 155,000 teachers and school support staff.

A yes vote would authorize MEA “to engage in significant activities—up to and including a work stoppage”—that will “increase the pressure on our legislators” to “end these attacks.” Specific demands on the legislators were not spelled out. The votes are to be conducted by April 14, but the MEA will not release results unti