Monday, April 25, 2011

What Do Teachers Really Want? « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

What Do Teachers Really Want? « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

What Do Teachers Really Want?

Speak Up For Education and Kids is a group started by the National Education Association to unite educators and community members committed to investing in education, preventing harmful cuts, and ensuring students have the bright futures they deserve! I came across their site on Facebook.

They have a section called Ed Votes poll. I checked out their poll and the question was, “ Which gift you would most like to receive on May 3 for Teacher Appreciation Day?” I found it interesting because their choices were not typical choices. For example, one of their choices was a request for more professional development opportunities. Another was smaller class sizes so teachers can give individual attention to students. (My choice). So far, smaller class sizes is in the lead, followed by less standardized testing. A number of teachers responded with choices of their own. One teacher commented that she would like her job back! If you have a second, please add your voice to the votes. I am going to check back later. Maybe they can show the votes to our