Wednesday, April 13, 2011 - Peace Exchange Bulletin - Congressional Progressive Caucus Posts a Progressive Alternative - Peace Exchange Bulletin - Congressional Progressive Caucus Posts a Progressive Alternative

Congressional Progressive Caucus Posts a Progressive Alternative

With nearly 80 members, the Congressional Progressive Caucus [CPC] is insisting on a role in the growing budget debate in Washington. Their proposed “people’s budget” is a major counter to the Tea Party’s reckless insanity and the drift of centrist Democrats and Republicans. Items in the “people’s budget” have popular support in polls. The progressive proposal is the first to link the fight for closing corporate tax loopholes and saving Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare with the “need to responsibly end the wars abroad and limit future military excursions that obligate tax dollars and the lives of young men and women with little direct benefit to the United States.”

It is a budget that progressives should want to fight for. Click here to read the proposal.

Does the "people's budget" have a chance? No, not this year, but it unites a bloc that the White House will have