Saturday, April 23, 2011

This Week In Education: Video: Preview Of "60 Minutes" Eli Broad Profile

This Week In Education: Video: Preview Of "60 Minutes" Eli Broad Profile

Video: Preview Of "60 Minutes" Eli Broad Profile

Looks like he's going to get glowing coverage, given this preview and the press release from the Broad Foundation that went out. Two questions to consider as you watch (if you watch): What does the show get right or wrong, factually? How much has Broad's work influenced real-world events in education, for better or worse, once you get past the massive media coverage?

Twitter: "Old Diane Ravitch" Confronts Her Present Self

Rainy Saturday thanks to whomever thought up @OldDianeRavitch, a twitter account featuring some of Ravitch's views from the past, which are -- you guessed it -- at odds with her current views. A sampling:

"Without testing, there is no consistent way to measure success or failure...Public contracting is often referred to as "privatization," but that label is misleading... It may be harder to graduate from high school than to become a certified teacher... Every school should have the power to select its own teachers, remove the incompetents...Texas model has successfully improved the