Friday, April 8, 2011

This Week In Education: Thompson: The Potential & Pitfalls of Teacherless Schooling

This Week In Education: Thompson: The Potential & Pitfalls of Teacherless Schooling

Thompson: The Potential & Pitfalls of Teacherless Schooling

TripThe title of Trip Gabriel's New York Times article on the potential value and dangers of virtual schooling, "More Pupils Are Learning Online, Fueling Fears on Quality," provides a concise summary of the issues. At its worse, online credit recovery becomes the "click, click" quest for a free lunch. My students derided credit recovery as "exercising your right click finger," even as they often succumbed to its easy way out. As a teacher explained to Gabriel, students have "a strong desire to pass," and they have an equally strong desire to succeed. If adults send the message that technology is a cheap way to make

DVD Extras: Scenes That Almost Made "Superman"

image from www.discdish.comIn case you're intereseted, here's a useful description from of the DVD extras included in the home version of WFS from the reputable outfit known as 411mania: "The first segment focuses on the Miller-McCoy Academy, which is a boys' school set up after the events of Hurricane Katrina. The second talks about Steve Barr, who is responsible for the first ever hostile takeover of a school, which was in Los Angeles. The third segment follows educational reformer Bill Strickland, who explains his opinions and beliefs. The last one introduces us to