Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This Week In Education: Media: Tin-Eared Reactions To NYT "Private School" Column

This Week In Education: Media: Tin-Eared Reactions To NYT "Private School" Column

Media: Tin-Eared Reactions To NYT "Private School" Column

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#Reformy types were all kinds of apoplectic about Mike Winerip's column in the New York Times yesterday, which has the gall to note that several of the country's most prominent reformers went to private school. By the angry/miffed responses -- EdSector, Andywonk, and others -- it's a delicate issue. It shouldn't matter, really. Of course it shouldn't. But -- let's be honest -- it does. People care where you're from, where you live, and where you send your kids to school (especially if you're prone to wagging your finger in other peoples' faces). They

Budget: Early Childhood Sneaks Into Race To The Top

Tumblr_ljaxt0Oczi1qz7lxdo1_500One of the things that I (and others) may have missed in the budget deal from last week is the inclusion of early childhood education as a Race To The Top priority. According to the folks at Pew, “(6) Improving Early Childhood Care and Education” is now a priority -- at least insofar as the CR goes, and insofar as Race To The Top gets us. EdWeek mention here. Those sneaky ECE folks! This is a defeat of sorts for the charter / value-added folks, who only care about kids once they reach 1st grade. It's also arguably a dilution of the RTTT focus. But it means that RTTT, however