Friday, April 15, 2011

This Week In Education: Journalism: Just How Stressful Are Midyear Assessments, Really?

This Week In Education: Journalism: Just How Stressful Are Midyear Assessments, Really?

Journalism: Just How Stressful Are Midyear Assessments, Really?

image from prospect.orgI didn't mean for my recent comments about Dana Goldstein's American Prospect piece to overshadow my appreciation of her efforts and the article, but Goldstein's taken the opportunity to respond on her blog (How I Reported My Latest Feature Story) and that's great. It hasn't really changed my thinking, however. I admire how many people Goldstein spoke with but remain concerned she focused on teachers who were introduced (or self-selected meeting attendees) and presented only those who were critical. It would have been so interesting to hear from a teacher who didn't mind the extra testing or even thought it helped her do her job better. As for the issue of test stress, I agree that multiple midyear assessments change the "feel"