Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This Week In Education: AM News: Will The "Florida Formula" Go Nationwide?

This Week In Education: AM News: Will The "Florida Formula" Go Nationwide?

AM News: Will The "Florida Formula" Go Nationwide?

image from webmedia.newseum.orgJeb Bush Pushes for Change With ‘Florida Formula’ NYT: The former Florida governor has been a little-known common denominator behind sweeping measures in nearly a dozen states..School budgets up for a vote NPR: It's that time again in cities and towns across the country. We take an inside look at the battle in Cherry Hill, N.J... Duncan Backs Delaware for Withholding District's RTTT Funds EdWeek: Arne Duncan is publicly supporting state officials in Delaware who plan to withhold $11 million from the Christina School District for reneging on school-turnaround plans... LA hires five key administrators at Deasy's request LAT: The new superintendent says his focus is on instruction, but some question the salaries of the administrators and the district's use of financial gifts from philanthropists... Eemployee claims racial discrimination Baltimore Sun: A former Baltimore school system employee is claiming that he was unlawfully terminated because he was white... Foes of education cuts rally in central Pa. AP: Opponents of education cuts proposed to help balance the state budget focused Tuesday on central Pennsylvania in trying to persuade lawmakers to restore funding for K-12 schools and public universities... Bloomberg’s Big Push for an Applied Sciences School NYT: The mayor’s grand idea has piqued the attention of the academic world, but critics are worried about the costs... Teen Strikes Plea Deal In Phoebe Prince Bullying Case AP: If accepted by a judge, 17-year-old Sharon Chanon Velazquez's plea deal would be the first criminal case resolved in connection with South Hadley High School freshman Phoebe Prince's suicide...