Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Their Push Is Relentless. | Dailycensored.com

Their Push Is Relentless. | Dailycensored.com

Their Push Is Relentless.

Every once in a while you hear a sound bite of truth. KQED announced this a.m. that Barbara Boxer said that Social Security would be better tweaked now to fix it for later on, but it is not in major difficulty and could continue to pay out for the next quarter century before change is necessary.
If I hear one more Republican say that we cannot continue to borrow 40¢ for every dollar we spend I will, well, scream, I guess. I have been saying that for the last ten years. However, as long as we were spending it on what they wanted, it was perfectly OK. As long as they could give it to their friends and share it amongst themselves, it was fine. Now, when we are trying to actually mind the store, trying to fix infrastructure, trying to repair our damage to the environment and take care of the rest of us, they get religion.
Or so they claim, but not. They want to continue borrowing 40¢ on every dollar, but they want that dollar for themselves. Their tax breaks