Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tell the President: What’s good for their schools is good for public schools! :: Save Our Schools March and National Call to Action

Tell the President: What’s good for their schools is good for public schools! :: Save Our Schools March and National Call to Action

Tell the President: What’s good for their schools is good for public schools!

Last week, President Obama reminded us all why his election gave many of us so much hope. In plain language, he spoke of how he wanted his daughters, Sasha and Malia, to have their learning assessed. He described a low-stakes, low pressure environment, with the results used not to punish them, their teachers or their school, but simply to find out what their strengths are, and where they might need extra support. He spoke of the need to avoid teaching to the test, and the value of engaging projects that would make students excited about learning. President Obama has made sure his daughters can learn this way. If only