Friday, April 22, 2011

Teachers Still In Favor Of Spring Break | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement

Teachers Still In Favor Of Spring Break | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher Disgruntlement

Teachers Still In Favor Of Spring Break


-Everywhere, USA

Spring Break balances that most delicate of…balances.

Here, in America, most of us believe in the separation of church and state. Is Spring Break really about a “break”? Or is it some Overlord Christian Imperialist Double-Cheeseburger Fuck-Stick trying to convince you to eat those awful little marshmallow chickens and buy more fake plastic grass because Jesus has risen; probably all as backdrop to the United Egg Producers plan to rule the world? Or is it some sort of Zionist Plot to stop you from working so that you’ll be more likely to sit on your ass and watch Jewish-controlled media while not going to Chipotle at lunch for carnitas burritos?

It’s hard to tell. But these are the questions that Teachbad Education News (TEN) is utterly unqualified to answer.

(Egg facts: 1. It is estimated that the 2010 US per capita consumption of eggs was 246. That’s a lot of