Monday, April 25, 2011

A teacher: An actual expert opinion on teaching - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

A teacher: An actual expert opinion on teaching - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

A teacher: An actual expert opinion on teaching


The following was written by vet­eran educator Nancy Flanagan, who takes a look at the issue of the “status quo.” This appeared on her Education Week Teacher blog, “Teacher in a Strange Land.” She spent 30 years in a K-12 music classroom in Hartland, Mich, and was named Michigan Teacher of the Year in 1993. She is National Board-certified, and a member of the Teacher Leaders Network. She is now an author and consultant.

By Nancy Flanagan

Take a look at this brief clip of Davis Guggenheim, speaking to what must have been one of hundreds of audiences about the

University chancellor goes undercover

The picture on the right is Timothy P. White, chancellor of the University of California Riverside as he regularly appears to students, staff and faculty.

The problem with Obama’s commencement contest

Six finalists have been selected in this year’s sweepstakes in which high schools compete for President Obama -- or, more precisely, for the president to deliver the school’s 2011 commencement speech. Now the administration wants the public to help select the winner and losers.