Thursday, April 14, 2011

Swanson slams us as “traditional” teachers. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Swanson slams us as “traditional” teachers. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Swanson slams us as “traditional” teachers.

I was driving home today and listening to WBEZ, the Chicago public radio station.

They were reporting on the sellout agreement between the teachers unions and the anti-union Stand for Children and the corporate Advance Illinois. The agreement, which is now fast tracking its way through the Illinois General Assembly, restricts teacher strikes, making the threat of a strike almost useless as a bargaining tool, and ending Last In, First Out as a policy during reduction in force (RIF) when there are enrollment declines or budget restrictions.

The WBEZ reporter quoted IEA President Ken Swanson as saying that any opposition to this agreement from teachers inside the IEA came from traditional teachers.

Traditional teacher.

That would be me.

I think experience matters.

I think fairness matters.

I think a collegial relationship among